Having a co-signer is an integral part of successfully bailing yourself or somebody else out of jail. We use co-signers to keep defendants accountable and add an extra line of security to bail bonds. If you’re interested in helping somebody with their situation, consider becoming a co-signer! Here are some tips to help you get started with DeKalb County Bail Bond.
What is a Co-Signer?
In terms of bail bonds, a co-signer is somebody who appears on a bond contract alongside the defendant. When you co-sign a bond, you are agreeing to paying the full bail amount if the defendant does not appear in court. This could involve pledging property like cash, home and vehicles. While you are expected to pay the full bond amount if the defendant fails to appear, there are certain rights for co-signers. These include contacting the bondsman to request bond be withdrawn if there is reason to believe the defendant will not show up in court. This means the defendant will them be located and returned to jail.
In this position, you have the duty to ensure the defendant attends all court hearings and upholds all ends of the contract. You also have the right to request the accused attend a drug treatment program, mental health evaluation, or anything else you feel necessary. If you begin to have reason to no longer trust the accused or if they refuse to go to court, you are able to contact the bond company to discuss further action.
How to Become a Co-Signer
Co-signing a bond is a big commitment and not just anybody can co-sign. You must be a United States citizen and have lived in the same are for a certain amount of time. You must also have decent, approved credit and stable employment. When you visit our office to become a co-signer, be sure you bring: a government issued I.D., proof of residency, proof of income, background and arrest information for the person you’re bailing out, and cash or debit/ credit card for payment. Overall, bonds companies look for reliable character when accepting a co-signer.
In terms of the collateral you can offer, situations vary We have federal bonds, property bonds and surety bonds that are all used for a variety of instances. If you are interested in co-signing, you will attend all consultation meetings with the defendant and our company to find a solution that works for everyone.
Give 24 Fast Bail Bonds Call!
We know that this is a stressful time and a big decision to make. That’s why we’re here to help! DeKalb County Bail Bonds is eager to answer any questions you may have about co-signing a bond. Nobody wants to see a loved one struggle, so co-signing is a very selfless act that could really help somebody. Please call us at 404=975-1313 if you have more questions!