What to Know about Federal Bail Bonds in DeKalb County, Georgia

For over 20 years, we have been helping friends and family get loved ones home quickly and safely. DeKalb County Bail Bonds is committed to our customers 24 hours a day, guaranteeing them affordable bail bonds usually in 30 minutes time. It is important to know the difference between types of bail bonds and who can get you them. Our caring and experienced team is licensed to provide you with cash, federal, property and surety bonds where other bail bond services cannot. If your loved one is in on a federal bail bond contact us today.

Ok, So What is a Bail Bond?

At DeKalb County Bail Bonds, we deal with cash, property, federal, and surety bonds. Bail bonds are in place for those who cannot afford bail, which is often the case with federal crimes that come with higher bails. We will charge you a small percentage of your bail at an affordable rate, and much like an insurance company, pay the rest for you. As long as you as you meet your requirements, such as any court proceedings, that is all you’ll have to pay.

How Does a Federal Bail Bond Differ from Other Bonds

A federal bail bond is a bit different that a cash or property bond. Just as it sounds, federal bail bonds are specifically for federal crimes. A federal judge will set the bail based on the crime and past criminal record, making it simply a higher risk bond. That makes them a bit more expensive than other bonds and also harder to obtain, only issues by specifically licensed bail bondsmen. We are licensed bail bondsmen in federal bonds and can help you in a pinch.

We’re Here 24/7 Ready to Help

Unfortunately, crimes don’t have hours. Fortunately, we’re here all day and night seven days a week to make sure you have a chance to make bail. We are different from other bail bondsmen in that we are dedicated to your every need, and care about you and your loved ones. If you are searching for a bail bond, you already are struggling to make bail. We’re here to find you an affordable bail bond —whether it’s cash, federal, property, or surety — in a timely manner so your loved ones can return home as soon as possible.

What to Know about Federal Bail Bonds in DeKalb County, Georgia

Federal crimes mean larger bails, and that means you are probably looking for financial help to pay it and get your loved one home. That’s what we’re here for. With over two decades of experience, our caring staff is here to help, licensed to grant you federal bail bonds any time of day at a rate you can afford. Don’t delay, we’re here 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact us online or at 404-975-1313 for more information today.